本文共 6207 字,大约阅读时间需要 20 分钟。
var isGoodName;var base64Encoder;var thisIsMyName;var base64Encoder如:
var SALARY = 1000; var MAX_COUNT = 10; var URL = "http://www.mydomain.net/";如: var _modelRecord;
var _get = Ext.data.Model.prototype.get; var _set = Ext.data.Model.prototype.set; var val = _get.apply(this, arguments); // private variable used in thisway如1:
Ext.MessageBox.YES = "Yes";MyCompany.alien.Math.PI = "4.13";如2:/**@property {String} MASK_MESSAGE_SAVING_FORM Mask message for Saving form*/ MASK_MESSAGE_SAVING_FORM: 'Saving form data, please wait...',如:
可接受的方法名称:encodeUsingMd5()getExtComponentByReference()getHtml() instead of getHTML()getJsonResponse() instead of getJSONResponse()parseXmlContent() instead of parseXMLContent()一个组件如何被用来作为其他组件的共同祖先,它就应当被放置咋爱common目录。
如:/** * @class Common.CommonFunctions * @author Sencha User * * 该文件包含公共功能,可被用于任何Ext JS应用程序 * * */Ext.define('Common.CommonFunctions', {});如:
/** * This will return an ExtJs component based on a reference * to that component. This reference can either be the component * itself or the comopnent's id. * @param {String/Object} ref A reference to an ExtJs component, can either be the the components id or the component itself * @return {Object} */function getExtComponentByReference(ref){ var component; if (typeof ref === 'string'){ component = Ext.getCmp(ref); } else if (typeof ref === 'object'){ component = ref; } else { return false; } return component;}如:
/** * Function to provide logic to validate a BPM form prior to submitting it. * Override this method in your own custom controller to add form specific submit validation. * Note: By default this function will simply call form.isValid() to determine if form is valid. * * @returns {boolean} If the form is valid for submit or not */ isBPMFormValidForSubmit: function(){ return this.getBpmForm().isValid(); },// 注意: 要指定他们使用的地方
var globalPreferedMode = false; var globalUserPreferenceArr = []; // Array used to compare with preference cols of trade grid while applying preferences如:
* @cfg {Number} headerColumns * The total number of columns to create in the table for this layout. If not specified, all Components added * to this layout will be rendered into a single row using one column per Component. */ headerColumns: 6, /** * @cfg {Object/Object[]} headerFields * A single item, or an array of child Components to be added to this container. */ headerFields: [], /** @readonly */ isWindow: true, /** @cfg {String} title The default window's title */ title: 'Title Here', /** @cfg {Object} bottomBar The default config for the bottom bar */ bottomBar: { enabled: true, height: 50, resizable: false }, /** * @cfg {String} store (required) * The key of the store to be used to back this form. */ store: ''如:
getPeople :function(people){ Ext.Ajax.request({ url: 'people.php', method : 'GET', params: { id: 1, name:'test' }, scope: this, success: this.onAfterGetPeople });},onAfterGetPeople: function(response){ //Dp some stuff var jsonData = Ext.decode(response.responseText); // process server response here this.getDepartments(jsonData,departments);},getDepartments : function(departments){ Ext.Ajax.request({ url: 'departments.php', method : 'GET', params: departments, scope: this, success: this.onAfterGetDepartments }); },onAfterGetDepartments : function(response){ //DO more work}如:
segmentContactModule :function(segButton,button,pressed){ var contactListStore = Ext.getStore('ContactListStore'). contactView = this.getContactView(), contactList = contactView.query('#listContactItemsId')[0], contactDetailView= this.getContactDetailView(), selectedRecords = contactList.getSelection(), buttonText = button.getText(); contactListStore.clearFilter(); if(pressed) { if(contactListStore.getCount() == 0){ contactDetailVIew.setActiveItem(0); }else{ if(selectedRecords.length>0){ this.contactListItemEvent(null,null,null,selectedRecords[0]); }else{ contactDetailView.setActiveItem(0); } } } else{ if(selectedRecords.lenght>0){ this.contactListItemEvent(null,null,null,selectedRecords[0]); } }} // end of methodeg:
testSomeVal : function(someVal){ return (someVal <=2); //添加括号提高可读性}延迟初始化 - 只在必要时添加条目或视图
延迟渲染 - 节省浏览器时间重用某些东西 - 节省开发时间当一个函数通过var引用来执行时,默认的执行上下文(this)是window
如:var myFn = function(){ console.log(this);};myFn();当一个函数通过一个对象的键值来执行时,执行上下文(this)是object如: var member = { name: 'Eric', getName: function(){ console.log(this); } };member.getName();混合:如:var getName = member.getName;getName();如:var member1 = { name: 'Eric', getName: function(){ console.log(this); } };var member2 = { name: 'Bob', getName: member1.getName };member2.getName();转载地址:http://crmna.baihongyu.com/